
The problem of stormwater runoff and combined sewer overflow is not going to go away; nor will the City’s responsibility to help clean and restore the Chesapeake Bay. The City’s green infrastructure plan provides a strategy that addresses the problem of stormwater runoff with techniques that are both cost effective and responsible.

The first of its kind in Pennsylvania, Lancaster City’s Green Infrastructure Plan serves as a model for other Third Class Cities.  It will continue to be updated based on lessons learned, new technologies and continued analysis and data collection.

Green Infrastructure Technology Fact Sheets




There are lots of resources to help you Save It! Here we’ve assembled some of the best, most interesting resources to get you started. Remember, conserving water and eliminating pollution, are two steps that you can do now that don’t cost anything. Start your day off right and turn off that water when you are brushing your teeth!

Calculating how much water you use and which of your behaviors uses the most water is the first step you can take to find out how to most effectively reduce your water use.

Take 5 minutes and calculate your total water use.